Cake, Creamy pastry and patisserie, Dessert, Recipes

Chocolate cake with cream puffs

How was your Christmas? I hope it was filled with good food and spent with people you love the most. This year I was the dessert maker for Christmas dinner and lunch. I took the job very seriously and here I am showing you one of the two cakes. I know I am a bit late for posting Christmas desserts, but since this cake can be made for other occasions as well, the delay is not a big deal. If you are still looking for a nice dessert for New Year’s Eve for example, this would work great. Continue reading “Chocolate cake with cream puffs”

Cookies, Dessert, Recipes

White chocolate chip cookies with raisins and pecans

My December has been super busy so far. The last two weeks turned around so fast and I almost had no time to cook or bake. December without baking is not a real December and that had to change. So on Sunday I took some time to make cookies, while listening to a Christmas songs vinyl plate that I bought in June on a garage sale (it was 50 euro cents, if you’re wondering). These cookies are delicious, they are crunchy on the outside and a bit chewy on the inside. Laurens started to eat them when they were just out of the oven and still soft and professionally described them as smoochy (no idea where he got that word from). Continue reading “White chocolate chip cookies with raisins and pecans”

Breakfast goodies, Dessert, Recipes, Yeasted pastry

Raisin bread devils for Saint Nicolas

It’s finally here, Saint Nicolas’ day. I don’t know about your place, but here children get presents on the 6th of December. In Slovenia we put a plate the evening before and in the morning there are presents, some fruit and nuts and of course candy. St. Nicolas comes with angels and devils and if you’re not a good girl/boy, you get coal instead of presents and a willow branch, as a warning (it’s meant for spanking). Continue reading “Raisin bread devils for Saint Nicolas”

Lunch and dinner goodies, Meat, Pasta and gnocchi, Recipes, Stews and soups

Homemade gnocchi with beef goulash

You guys, it’s December! Say what!? Where did the year go? Is it only me who thinks that time flies waaaay too fast? I love Christmas time, but for me real Cristmas feeling starts only after the 6th of December, which is a special holiday in some places in Europe, I will tell more about that in my next post. So as I am not yet in full on holiday mode, today’s recipe is also not very festive, but it’s still comforting and cosy. Gnocchi with beef goulash was a dish that often appeared on my grandmother’s Sunday lunch menu. Continue reading “Homemade gnocchi with beef goulash”